Jun 20, 2018
Eric Hunley is the host of the Unstructured podcast and Facebook page which is a bit of a spinoff of the Mixed Mental Arts Facebook page and podcast. Both of the podcasts take deep dives into ways of thinking and problems that we may have with seeing other people's point of view.
People think and act the way they do...
Jun 13, 2018
Antesa and I actually had two calls which were merged into one. Usually, I don't like life coaches very much but her message is very close to mine so it resonated very well. Our stories were so similar that I had to have her on again. The first interview I was actually in an In And Out burger, I actually hadn't planned...
Jun 6, 2018
I met Tetsu last year at the Polyglot conference in Iceland and I loved his talk about how he was able to teach his children 5 languages. Through a combination fo OPOL (One Person One Language), living in foreign countries, and having au pairs (live in nannies) in the target language the children were able...