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Jul 27, 2016

Prinestrovia / Transnistra is a weird little country that is unrecognized. Since it is officially part of Moldova but doesn't like Moldova's western attitudes, it has been its own Soviet-leaning country for over 20 years now. More or less it consists of the main city of Tiraspol and that's about it. 

It has issued its...

Jul 20, 2016

This is a country that I didn't know existed a few years ago. Although I consider myself good at geography I could not have told you where it was!

One of the coolest things in this country is that it is functionally bilingual. Both Russian and Moldovan / Romanian are languages you can converse in within the country. I...

Jul 13, 2016

In this first country report I talk about the first country that I went to after being deported from Germany. I came into Ukraine about 2 years after the revolution that brought the country to its knees. However, you can hardly tell and it is very beautiful in many parts. Of course there are many areas that are still...